“La gota desgasta la piedra, no por fuerza sino por constancia.”

Feb 16, 2011

Prospect networking

Who do you know from your old job?
Former employers, former employees, trade or professional associates, former customer and clients, former competitors...

Who do you know because i went to a certain school, high school, college?
Schoolmates, fraternity friends, organization associates (athletic, dramatic, debating, musical, language, science, teachers and parents of classmates)

Who do you know because of your contact through public service or charitable interests?

Who do you know because your own your own house?
Where did you purchase it, the builder, suppliers, painters, carpenters, plumbers, landscapers..

Who do you know because you live or have lived in a certain neighbourhood?
Your neighbours, your best friends, people in the neighbourhood in which you formerly lived...

Who do you know because you drive a car?
Dealer, salesperson, gas station attendant, mechanics, insurance salesperson, business managers...

Who do you know because of your daily expenditures?
The deli owner, restaurant manager, daycare, house maintenance, gas station owner, golf pro, cleaners, who else have you paid money to in the last year?...

Who do you know because of your life partner's activities?
Organizations to which he/she belongs- home school club- alumni- associations- sorority..?

Who do you know because of your parents or siblings?
Their friends, neighbours, doctors, lawyers, insurance agents, pharmacists, club members...

Who do you know because you have children?
The teachers of the children, parents of their playmates, school principals, swimming teacher, music teacher, coaches...

Who do you know because you have a particular hobby or enjoy a particular sport?

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