“La gota desgasta la piedra, no por fuerza sino por constancia.”

Jan 31, 2011

Creative Entrepreneurship

Creative entrepreneurship is how so many people these days are creating freedom and independence. Are these people trained in business? Do they have a big start up budget? Do they have years of experience? The answers to these questions could be yes, but in most cases the answer is no. The creative entrepreneur is first creative, second, has desire to do something more.

How does the Creative Entrepreneur do it?

The only pre-requisites to becoming a creative entrepreneur is the desire, want or need (maybe all) to change your life, break the routine, do what you want to do.

Many of us have been raised to follow the same old program of getting educated, getting a job, and then retiring so we can start enjoying our life. Each semester I interview my students one on one talking about what they would like to accomplish, and like a tape recording, 300+ students all say the same old, I have to study hard to get a job, so I can someday do what I enjoy. The interesting thing about what they say is that they almost never associate their job or occupation with enjoyment. Instead after years of suffering, they can quit the grind and enjoy their life.

Retirement ages are lowering for many of us, but at the same time baby boomers are reaching retirement age with debt (credit card amongst the highest), high spending habits and little, if any savings. So the retirement age is nullified by the lack of preparation for it, at least among the baby boomers.

This trend is, however, changing for many reasons and the obvious big one being the internet (Thanks to Al Gore, ?). The information age allows so many people to learn what they need to learn, and get the word our ‘en masse’. Creative Entrepreneurs can be found everywhere on and offline.

Creative entrepreneurs generally start out with a part time home business and develop it into a full time venture. Some things include turning their hobby into a money making business, finding a creative niche to make money with, but most of all, the creative entrepreneur is creative because he or she is doing something THEY CHOOSE to do. The creative entrepreneur is not afraid of change, they go beyond their so called “comfort zone” and really begin living comfortably.

This is actually a misnomer, comfort zone is actually not comfortable in most cases, it is what people believe is secure and what they believe is their only choice. Going beyond your comfort zone is to seek comfort and happiness.

Why do people not go for it?

Because they are afraid of failure. People who do not take what they believe is a risk to get what they really want will never get it. Each of us are only limited by what we do not do, and when we actually take a chance and try something the reward experienced is unbelievable.

The advantages of today’s reality are…

Well the risk is minimized a lot today, an average person can become an entrepreneur for much lower start up costs than in previous years. Shoestring creative entrepreneurship is allowing people everywhere to do big “small’ home business.

Do you have wants? Do you deserve and desire a better life now, instead of later? Learn how you can use what you now do and/or know and become a creative entrepreneur.

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