“La gota desgasta la piedra, no por fuerza sino por constancia.”

Feb 2, 2011

Social Media Revolution

People spend three times more time on Facebook than Google and currently more than 1.5 million pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photos, etc.) are shared on Facebook daily. It is clear to see that social media is growing significantly and leaving no one behind.

In today’s internet driven culture it is essential for businesses to utilize social media in order to effectively reach, build and maintain relationships with their consumers. From blogs, social networking, video sharing and business reviews, traditional advertising is no longer effective and it is essential for companies to engage, interact and work in the same realm as their people.

Today, advertising, marketing and PR are all part of the world of social media and in order for businesses to succeed, engage themselves with their consumers, sustain reputation and increase publicity they must shift the way they communicate and take part in the Social Media Revolution. 

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