“La gota desgasta la piedra, no por fuerza sino por constancia.”

Feb 4, 2011

How to get there?

Getting there requires being ready when opportunity presents itself.
So what should I do to get "X"?

Save your money. Save as much money as you possibly can.
The first step to getting "X" is having cash availableYou are saving for the moment you need cash.

The 2nd rule for getting "X" is getting smart. Investing your time in yourself and becoming knowledgeable about the business of something you really love to doIt doesn’t matter what it is. Whatever your hobbies, interests, passions are. Find the one you love the best. You have to start learning the business.

Read everything there is to read about the business. Go to trade shows, read the trade magazines, spend a lot of time talking to the people you do business with about their business and the people they buy from.

Now you wait for times of uncertainty and change in your business. The time will come. It may  come quickly, it may take years and years. But it will come.

You will know when that time is here for you because you will know your business inside and out. You will be ready because you will have been saving up for this moment in time.

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